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API documentation


AiEditor is the core class of the entire editor, and its initialization code is as follows:

const aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",



const aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",

//Get the editing content and read it as an HTML string.
const html = aiEditor.getHtml();

AiEditor provides the following methods:

  • getHtml(): Get the HTML content of the current editor.
  • getJson(): Get the JSON description data of the current editor.
  • getText(): Get the plain text content (excluding HTML) of the current editor.
  • getSelectedText(): Get the plain text content (excluding HTML) of the currently selected text in the editor.
  • getMarkdown(): Get the markdown-formatted content of the current editor.
  • getOptions(): Get the configuration information of the current editor.
  • getAttributes(name): get the properties of the node or mark at the current focus position.
  • getOutline(): Get the outline of the content, returning an array with the following format:

In the above outline content, each field's meaning is as follows:

-text: Directory name (or content)

-level: Directory level, values range from 1 to 6, corresponding to HTML tags h1 to h6

-pos: Position of the directory node in the document

-size: Size of the content of the directory node

  • focus(): Focus the editor.
  • focusPos(pos): Focus on the specified position in the editor.
  • focusStart(): Focus the editor and set the cursor at the beginning.
  • focusEnd(): Focus the editor and set the cursor at the end.
  • isFocused(): Check if the editor is currently focused.
  • blur(): Blur the editor.
  • insert(content): Dynamically insert HTML, text, or Markdown content. Note: This method is ineffective when the aiEditor has not gained focus. You can first focus by calling aiEditor.focus().insert(string) and then insert content.
  • clear(): Delete all content in the editor.
  • setEditable(value): Set the editing mode of the editor. The value can be true or false.
  • setContent(value): Dynamically set the content of the editor.
  • clear(): Delete all content in the editor.
  • isEmpty(): Check if the editor has any content.
  • removeRetention(): Remove automatically recorded and saved editing content from the editor.
  • destroy(): Destroy the current instance, commonly used in React or Vue. It's called when the component is unmounted.
  • changeLang(lang): Switch the internationalization language of the current editor. For more information, refer to the 《Internationalized》 section in the documentation.


content change

const aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
        // When the editor content changes, console.log the editor's HTML content...

AIEditor get focus

const aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
        console.log("get the focus....")

AIEditor Instance Destroy On Blur

const aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",

AIEditor Instance Created

const aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
        console.log("AIEditor instance created....")

AIEditor Instance Destroy

const aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
        console.log("AIEditor instance destory....")

Released under the LGPL-v2.1 License.