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Video configuration


new AiEditor({
    element: "#aiEditor",
    video: {
        customMenuInvoke: (editor: AiEditor) => {
        uploadUrl: "https://your-domain/video/upload",
        uploadFormName: "video", //Upload File Form Name
        uploadHeaders: {
            "jwt": "xxxxx",
            "other": "xxxx",
        uploader: (file, uploadUrl, headers, formName) => {
            //Customizable video Upload Logic
        uploaderEvent: {
            onUploadBefore: (file, uploadUrl, headers) => {
                //Listen for the video upload before it happens. This method can be left without returning any content, but if it returns false, the upload will be aborted.
            onSuccess: (file, response) => {
                //Listen for Video Upload Success
                // 1. If this method returns false, the Video will not be inserted into the editor.
                // 2.You can return a new JSON object to the editor here.
            onFailed: (file, response) => {
                //Listen for Video Upload Failure, or if the returned JSON information is incorrect.
            onError: (file, error) => {
                //Listen for Video Upload Errors, such as network timeouts, etc.
  • customMenuInvoke: Customize the behavior of the "Video" button in the toolbar, such as clicking not to select a local file, but to pop up a dialog box or other custom behaviors.
  • uploadUrl: The URL address for video upload.
  • uploadHeaders: Custom HTTP header information for video upload, the data type is Object or a method (Function) that returns an Object.
  • uploader: Custom upload logic, by default, it is uploaded through fetch.
  • uploaderEvent: Configure event listeners for video uploads.

Server response

After the video is successfully uploaded, the server must return the following content, where errorCode must be 0;

  "errorCode": 0,
  "data": {
    "src": "",
    "poster": ""
  • src: video playback address
  • poster: the cover address of the video

If the server returns a content format other than the above, we can configure dataProcessor the data to reprocess and return it in the above format.

In data, in addition to src and poster, you can also return the following content to further specify the content of the video:

  "errorCode": 0,
  "data": {
    "src": "",
    "poster": "",
    "width": "100%",
    "controls": "true"

Released under the LGPL-v2.1 License.