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a next-gen rich text editor for AI

Out-of-the-box, Fully Framework Supported, Markdown Friendly

Why choose AiEditor

Simple, easy to use, open source licence friendly, no limit count of users and apps, rich documentation.

Other editorsAIEditor
Open source agreement GPL, contagious LGPL, not contagious when installed via NPM
Out of the box Complex and troublesome to use Can be used via npm install aieditor
Framework support Specific few frameworks AIEditor is developed based on Web Component and supports any framework
Server side supports private deployment Not supported Both the open source version and the commercial version support private deployment to ensure data and privacy security
LLMs type few support Supports access to LLMs, including private LLM
Private Apikey Not supported Support, ensure data privacy and control your own consumption
Limit count of users Limit Unlimited
Limit count of apps Limit Unlimited


An AI-powered rich text editor,
Help you build knowledge products quickly.

Out of the box

Without a lot of preparation,Just a few lines of code to run.

Markdown Friendly

Be able to recognize and correctly render the basic syntax of Markdown, see results in real time.

Powerful AI capabilities

You can have AI check for spelling and grammar errors;
Can expand 10 words to 200 words;
Or condense 200 words into 50 words;
You can One-click translation;
Can let the AI summarize the core content...

All this is done without leaving the editor.

More AI capabilities are on the way...


Allows multiple users to work on the same document at the same time.
You can see other people's input and changes in real time.

It is suitable for software development, marketing, legal document review, project management, teaching, news reporting, medical research and other scenarios.


Allow reviewers to add comments or suggestions to specific sections of the document, as well as flag questions, errors, or areas for improvement in the document for subsequent revision.

Integrate excellent products

We integrate great open source works into AiEditor, such as virtual whiteboard, hand-drawn sketches, chart editor, and more.
drawio is a JavaScript, client-side editor for general diagramming.
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.

Are you ready?

Next, whether you use the open source version or the pro version, you will be surprised!
open source version

Download now

AiEditor is open source under the more liberal LGPL license
Unlimited amount of users
Unlimited amount of applications
pro version

Contact us

Low price
Unlimited amount of users
Unlimited amount of applications

Released under the LGPL-v2.1 License.