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AiEditor 与 Vue3 整合

在 Vue 中,我们通过 ref 属性定义 div$refs 引用,然后再通过 new AiEditor 进行实例化,示例代码如下:

        <h1>AiEditor,一个面向 AI 的富文本编辑器</h1>
    <div ref="divRef" style="height: 600px"/>

<script lang="ts">
    import {AiEditor} from "aieditor";
    import "aieditor/dist/style.css"
    export default {
            new AiEditor({
                element: this.$refs.divRef as Element,
                placeholder: "点击输入内容...",
                content: 'AiEditor 是一个面向 AI 的开源富文本编辑器。 ',

或者使用 vuesetup 语法:

    <h1>AiEditor,一个面向 AI 的富文本编辑器</h1>
  <div ref="divRef" style="height: 600px"/>

<script setup lang="ts">
import {AiEditor} from "aieditor";
import "aieditor/dist/style.css"
import {onMounted, onUnmounted, ref} from "vue";

const divRef = ref();
let aiEditor: AiEditor | null = null;

onMounted(() => {
  aiEditor = new AiEditor({
    element: divRef.value as Element,
    placeholder: "点击输入内容...",
    content: 'AiEditor 是一个面向 AI 的开源富文本编辑器。 ',

onUnmounted(() => {
  aiEditor && aiEditor.destroy();

更多 vue 集成示例请参考:

SSR 服务端渲染

关于 SSR 参考文档:

  <div style="display: block;text-align: start">
    <div ref="divRef" class="aiEditor" style="height: 850px;max-width: 1280px"/>

<script setup lang="ts">
// import {AiEditor} from "aieditor";
import "aieditor/dist/style.css"
import {onMounted, onUnmounted, ref} from "vue";

const divRef = ref();
let aiEditor: any = null;

onMounted(() => {
  //for ssr
  import('aieditor').then(({AiEditor}) => {
    aiEditor = new AiEditor({
      element: divRef.value as Element,
      placeholder: "Click to Input Content...",
      content: 'AiEditor is an Open Source Rich Text Editor Designed for AI.  ',

onUnmounted(() => {
  aiEditor && aiEditor.destroy();

Released under the LGPL-v2.1 License.